What are services like?
While everything done in the worship services of the Bible Baptist Church is Bible based, Christ centered, and done for the glory of God, each service is distinct and different from the other services.
Our Sunday School service begins every Sunday morning at 10:00, with everyone sitting in their classroom, excitedly ready to learn something from God's Word that will challenge their life. On your first visit, our friendly greeters and Sunday School teaching staff will be glad to assist you in knowing where to go. Each class is taught by an experienced and dedicated teacher, who will share some truths from the Word of God that are targeted to be helpful to that class' specific age group. All teachers appreciate questions and value dialogue with the students. When Sunday School ends at 10:50 A.M., everyone has a few minutes to refresh themselves before the morning service begins.
The Sunday Morning worship service begins at 11:00, and the Sunday Evening worship begins at 6:00. At the beginning of each service, our song leader leads in several classic hymns of the faith from the church hymnbooks (copies of which are located near each seat). There is usually some stirring, conservative music special shared with the congregation to prepare hearts to hear from the Word of God. Pastor Greg Cole will bring a sermon from God's Word on a relevant and challenging topic. At the end of the preaching time, an invitation is given for anyone who feels so led by the Lord, to come to the front of the auditorium for private counseling and prayer with one of our experienced personal workers. After a time of singing from the hymnbook and prayer, everyone is dismissed. Parents with children in Children's Church or the nursery, may pick them up from their classroom before leaving.
Our Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting and Bible Study meets at 7:00. This is a very intimate and precious service which opens with the singing of a couple hymns; attendees are then invited to share items of personal thanksgiving or prayer requests, after which a message is brought from the Word of God.